Brotherhood of the Fire Fist has taken the place as the best deck of last format. This format it is still very viable. Coach Soldier Wolfbark at 1 did not do much considering most players put him at 2 and was searchable anyway.
When bear deals damage they set a fire formation spell card. Also it can pop a faceup fire formation card to pop a monster on the field. Lots of plussing and popping with this card.
When Gorilla destroys a monster, it sets a fire formation spell card. It can pop a face up fire formation to pop a backrow. Same as bear but is usually run at 1 because the searching effect is more difficult to pull off.
Boar is used mostly to go into crimson blader or xyz for cardinal or tiger king. It has some diversity so that some decks play him at one, but others dont play him at all.
when a fire formation card is activated, this guy can set a fire formation trap card (usually tensen). It can send 2 face up fire formation cards to special summon a fire fist monster in the grave other than dragon. Unlike wolfbark, this card does not negate that card's effects. Also it is a fire fist monster so it can be used to go into cardinal or tiger king instead of being limited to only tiger king.
One reason the deck tops so much is the amount of consistency it has. Leopard gives the deck a huge amount of consistency.
Rooster also adds constinency as well as plussing. When special summoned by a fire fist monster (usually the synchro horse prince or spirit) you add any fire fist monster from the deck to the hand. Also the player can pop a faceup fire formation to set any fire formation from the deck, to get the tenki tensu or whatever the player needs at that moment.
Spirit specials a level 3 fire monster form the graveyard with 200 or less defense. This is then usually used to synchro horse prince or vulcan, and very very rarely xyz. This card alone gives plussing to the deck. It is at one but it is also searchable.
Coach Soldier Wolfbark
Coach Soldier wolfbark is the card just limited to one. Wolfbark can once per turn special a level 4 fire beast-warrior from the grave in defense with the effects negated. This allows one card xyzs or plussing by having it sit on the board for more than one turn because it does say once per turn.
Fire Formation - Tenki
This adds any level 4 or lower beast-warrior type monster. Instant consistency and plussing form this card.
Fire Formation - Tensu
Tensu allows the player to normal summon an extra Beast-Warrior monster each turn. This requires the player to have monsters in the hand, so usually it isn't that great after the first or second turn of using its effect.
Fire Formation - Tensen
All fire fist monsters gaain 300 attack while this is face up. Also when this card is activated it gives a different beast warrior 700 until the end phase (for a total of 1000) giving the fire fist monsters a strong defense.
Horse Prince
usually made with spirit. After this is summoned it can special summon a level 3 fire monster from the deck, usually rooster which provides a lot more plussing as well as a big beater.
Tiger King
When it is xyz summoned, it sets a fire formation spell/trap card from the deck. Also it can detach to negate monster effects of anything not beast-warrior type on the field until the end of the opponent's turn. When it is sent from the field to the gracvyard, the player can semd 3 face-up spell/trap cards to the grave to special summon 2 beast-warrior-type monsters with the same attack from the deck in defense. The card all around has answers and so much diversity.
It has a tiaramisu effect. Detach 2 to shuffle 2 fire fist and/or fire formation cards from the field or grave and 2 cards on your opponent's field or graveyard and shuffle them as well. Anything that shuffles into the deck can get very nasty very fast.
Lion Emporer
This just searches for any fire monster and adds it to the hand but it can not be normal or special summoned for the rest of the turn. This adds some consistency but is rarely brought out.
These are the major cards to know and watch out for when facing or making the deck. For 50 dp give me two cards that will counter this deck and why it does. this homework is due 8/30/2014
and i am sorry that this is a day late guys